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What are we looking for in a News Report? Eye contact (Did they look at the class?) Clear voice (Could everyone hear them?) Did they tell you Who, When, Where, What, Why? Were they prepared? (Did they know what to say?) Your buddy will assess you against these 4 things after you have presented.
Yesterday was Earth Day. To find out more about what Earth Day is Room 8 looked at this website on our class projector. Then we talked about some of the things we already do to help look after our environment. We came up with things like: turning off the lights when we are not in the room, picking up rubbish, recycling, biking or riding our scooters to school instead of driving and many more great things! Next, we had to think about What else can we do?? We thought we could start composting at home, re-using things like milk bottles and ice-cream containers, using public transport like buses and ferries or sharing rides! As part of our Healthy Lifestyle Inquiry we have made a Year 3 and 4 Garden! Check the slide show of what we did on earth day and look at our much our veges have grown! We are very pleased.