08 May 2010

Performing Arts

At the end of last term and for the beginning of this term Room 8 have been doing Performing Arts with Mrs Hooke. The children all worked very hard to create a fantastic dance! This week they were able to perform in Assembly.

We were excited and a bit nervous about performing in front of the WHOLE SCHOOL. We did really well and Miss Collier was very proud.

Plus we won the 'Muritai Bear' for being the best class in assembly. Go Room 8!!


Anonymous said...

cool dance moves phoebe


Eva said...

I thought you did great, you have the moves and the grooves Room 8! Briar (Eva's mum)

Anonymous said...

It was nervous.It was awesome becaus we won the bear!!!!!!!!!!!

By Tombom.

Anonymous said...

Good dance moves. eva