13 November 2011

Before we started learning about the kind of work that children involved in Child Labour do, we had a good think about all the jobs that Room 8 students do everyday.

Here are some of the Room 8 jobs:
- Cleaning the whiteboard
- Taking the roll
- Opening the windows and blinds
- Giving out CARE certificates
- Paper recycling
- Picking up rubbish from the floor
- Looking words up in the dictionary
- Returning the class books to the library
- Monitoring electricity usage
- Putting chairs up
- Putting things away
- Turning the lights on and off
- Pushing chairs in
- Handing out paper
- Buddy conferences to edit work
- Looking for examples of Standing Tall habits

Room 8 is full of very helpful people! I'm sure they are great workers around the home too.

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