17 October 2010

Orphans of Nepal

This term the Year 3 & 4 integrated study topic is the Orphans of Nepal.
We are going to explore Muritai School's relationship with Bistachap Orphanage in Nepal. This relationship has been going on for a long time supported by The Orphans of Nepal Trust.

Our big idea is: "We can make a difference in the lives of others"

Before we learn about the Orphanage and how we can help, we are going to learn a bit more about where Nepal is and how the Himalayas were formed - TECTONIC PLATES!
Check out this cool video ...


Scientist Dan said...

Wow! What an amazing video. Tectonics is really interesting isn't it.

Isn't amazing how two plates crashing together can form such large mountains. I wonder if this is happening in New Zealand..

Can anyone tell me what two plates are crashing together through New Zealand? Are there any large mountains which might have been pushed up by this.

Keep up the good work Room 8.
Scientist Dan

Tuatoru said...

Hi Dan. It's the PAcific plate and the Indian and Australian plate. Mt Everest and the Southern Alps were pushed up. From Callan

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan, my name is Eva O. The two plates that are crashing together are the Pacific plate and the Indian/ Australian plate.Was it Mount Cook that was formed by the plates ?

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 8.

I hope your really enjoying learning about the tectonics of Nepal and New Zealand.

Thank you so much Callan and Eva for helping with my questions. Your both 100% correct and are obviously learning lots from your teacher, you'll all be experts in no time! Isn't it amazing that two places so far away are being formed by the same process.

To answer your questions, yes Eva, Mt Cook is the highest of the many mountains being pushed up by tectonics in the south island.

You make a very interesting point about Mt Everest Callan. Mr Everest and its friends form the highest mountain range on Earth. They are much higher than Mt Cook and the other mountians in the south island but were formed by the same tectonic process !

I wonder if you two and your fellow Room 8 experts could solve this puzzle for me?

I would be interested to know how much higher Mt Everest is than Mt Cook? I wonder how the mountains of Nepal got to be so much larger. It sure would be cool to find out.

Keep up the great work Room 8!
Scientist Dan