01 July 2009

Worm Farm actions!

This week we have been very busy. We have taken home to share our portfolios with our families. They are full of samples of the Maths, Literacy, Inquiry, Te Reo, P.E and Arts learning we have been doing!

We have also been busy informing the rest of the school about our Year 3/4 Worm Farm! One group has made posters to go around the school, one group have done presentations in other classrooms and another group will be showing a voicethread in assembly this week! There are some photos below...

We are also looking forward having vegetable soup on Friday which will be made from the veges we have been growing. YUM!

What a busy term we have had in Room 8.

Have a great holiday!!!

1 comment:

wormsrus said...

Hello Room 8
You are doing a great job with your worm farm Congratulation s on your page.
Visit us at wormsrus.co.nz
Kind regards
The team at wormsrus Auckland